(Pre-prints are available from my DBLP page. If you can’t find a copy, feel free to email me.)
- The Parallel Dynamic Complexity of the Abelian Cayley Group Membership Problem
(with V Arvind, Samir Datta, Asif Khan, Shivdutt Sharma, and Shankar Ram Vasudevan)
FSTTCS 2024 - Testing properties of distributions in the streaming model
(with Sampriti Roy)
ISAAC 2023 - Byzantine Connectivity Testing in the Congested Clique
(with John Augustine, Anisur Rahaman Molla, and Gopal Pandurangan)
DISC 2022 - Dynamic Complexity of Expansion
(with Samir Datta and Anuj Tawari)
CSR 2021 - Improving and Extending the Testing of Distributions for Shape-restricted Properties
(with Eldar Fischer and Oded Lachish)
Algorithmica, 2019
Preliminary version in STACS 2017 - Fast Distributed Algorithms for Testing Graph Properties
(with Keren Censor-Hillel, Eldar Fischer and Gregory Schwartzman)
Distributed Computing, 2019
Preliminary version in DISC 2016 - A Sublinear Tester for Outerplanarity (and other Forbidden Minors) with One-Sided Error
(with Hendrik Fichtenberger, Reut Levi and Maximilian Woetzel)
ICALP 2018 - A Two-Sided Error Distributed Property Tester for Conductance
(with Hendrik Fichtenberger)
MFCS 2018 - Expanding Generating Sets for Solvable Permutation Groups
(with V. Arvind, Partha Mukhopadhyay and Prajakta Nimbhorkar)
SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 2018
Preliminary version in MFCS 2012 - On the Isomorphism of Decision Trees and Decision Lists
(with V. Arvind, Johannes Koebler, Sebastian Kuhnert, Gaurav Rattan)
Theoretical Computer Science, 2015
Preliminary version in FCT 2013 - Trading Query Complexity for Sample-based Testing and Multi-testing Scalability
(with Eldar Fischer and Oded Lachish)
FOCS 2015 - Isomorphism Testing of Boolean Functions Computable by Constant-Depth Circuits
(with V. Arvind)
Information and Computation, 2015
Preliminary version in LATA 2012 - Approximate Graph Isomorphism
(with V. Arvind, Johannes Koebler and Sebastian Kuhnert)
MFCS 2012